10 December 1997
FBI's Role in the Federal
to the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Statement of
Robert M. Blitzer, Chief
Domestic Terrorism/Counterterrorism Planning Section
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Before the
United States House of Representatives
Committee on National Security
Washington, D. C.
November 4, 1997
Thank you Mr. Chairman for this opportunity to address the committee on the
FBI's role in the federal response to the use of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) against the United States, and the preparedness initiatives we have
undertaken in the interagency setting. I have submitted a written statement
for the record which further details my testimony here today.
It is essential to understand that any criminal threat or use of WMD against
the U.S., its population, interests, or critical infrastructure will be
considered an act of terrorism. Consistent with mandates set out in Presidential
Decision Directive (PDD) - 39, existing and newly created statutory requirements,
the Antiterrorism and Intelligence Authorization Acts, and the Defense against
Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996, we have improved our ability to
deal with those who may be planning to commit these heinous crimes.
Established doctrine, including PDD-39, identifies the FBI's critical domestic
role in the operational response to WMD terrorism. But it is important to
recognize that the potential impact of WMD terrorism transcends any one agency's
ability to fully manage the necessary response to such and incident. The
effects of a WMD terrorist attack may be catastrophic and will require a
unified approach among all federal resources in cooperation with federal,
state, and local governments for definitive success.
As such, the FBI has undertaken several initiatives with its partners in
the federal interagency community, including the Department of Defense (DoD),
the Department of Energy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
the Public Health Service, and the Environmental Protection Agency. These
organizations make up the nucleus of the government's WMD response. The FBI
is extensively engaged with these departments and agencies in policy,
coordination, planning, exercise, and training programs to enhance the federal
government's overall ability to effectively respond to WMD terrorism. The
FBI also interacts with the intelligence community on WMD and matters regarding
Among the interagency initiatives that have been undertaken to ensure an
effective federal response are the following:
We have developed "Guidelines for the Mobilization, Deployment and Employment
of U.S. Government Agencies in Response to a Domestic Terrorist Threat or
Incident," also known as the "Domestic Guidelines." These guidelines upon
the signature of the Attorney General and approval of the President, will
serve to facilitate coordination among the federal agencies for response
within the framework of the U.S. policy on counterterrorism.
Pursuant to PDD-39, we have formulated a specialized interagency team known
as the "Domestic Emergency Support Team," or "DEST, " which has been signed
to expeditiously provide expert advice and guidance to the FBI on scene commander
and to coordinate needed follow-on response assets. The DEST would be deployed
upon request of the FBI in response to a significant threat or act of terrorism.
The exact composition of the DEST will be determined by the specific nature
of the incident and will include, when appropriate, advisory modules for
WMD conditions. The DEST has been deployed and tested in support of the last
presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C., and the Denver Summit of the
Eight in 1997.
We have also engaged in a major interagency planning effort to develop a
WMD concept plan, or "CONPLAN" for an actual integrated U.S. government response
to a domestic WMD threat or situation. The CONPLAN is intended to integrate
the plans and procedures of individual agencies and departments. It specifies
which U.S. government resources would be deployed, the conditions for their
deployment, the priority of their movement, and the method for their operational
engagement within the FBI's crisis management structure.
The FBI is finalizing new incident contingency plans for internal response
to WMD events which detail the sequence of actions required to appropriately
guide, oversee, and support the successful execution of the U.S. government
response to a WMD threat or incident. These plans will be shared with our
federal, state and local emergency responder counterparts to ensure a unified
approach to the on-scene management of the crisis.
To date, we have participated in over 30 interagency exercises involving
WMD to test and improve operational readiness plans and procedures, clarify
individual agency roles and responsibilities, and to improve coordination
among federal resources.
The DoD and the FBI have been supported by the interagency community in
developing and implementing a Counter Proliferation Program for the newly
independent states of the Former Soviet Union (FSU). This program provides
training to law enforcement personnel and other officials in combating illicit
trafficking in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons material or related
technologies. This effort is intended to increase their ability to detect,
prevent, and investigate criminal enterprises, corrupt officials, and individuals
involved in illegal acquisition and transport of WMD materials and technologies.
To date, 78 government officials from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have been
provided the training. Additional FSU countries will be trained in 1997,
1998, and the out-years.
The FBI also plays a major role in the development and delivery of the domestic
preparedness "First Responder" Training Program which is intended to enhance
the WMD response capabilities of federal, state, and local authorities across
the country. The FBI has contributed to the curriculum by providing an assessment
of the WMD domestic threat and a discussion on the integration of the federal
response with that of the local incident command. In addition, the FBI has
partnered with FEMA in the development of the Senior Officials' Workshop
designed to instruct community leaders and department heads on the details
of an actual response. These contributions are important because the FBI
is located in most metropolitan areas and in many small towns across the
country. As such, we will be among the first federal responders to the scene
of a WMD terrorist event.
The FBI looks forward to the development of an even greater partnership withing
the federal, state, and local community as we move forward in the important
endeavor. This concludes my remarks. Thank you Mr. Chairman.